Alien movement on mars

NASA accidentally publishes images of alien movement on mars

For years, scientists have been debating the origin of Mars. Although we have already found evidence of possible liquid water and methane suggesting that at some time in the past, about four billion years ago, the red planet could have hosted some kind of extraterrestrial life, so far no one really knows about the conditions that prevailed back then. Was it a warm, humid planet, or cold and cold?(Alien movement on mars)

This has been a great mystery to scientists who have been researching certain models to determine the climate that prevailed on our neighboring planet. The exact answer to the question is still unknown, but despite all the studies there are many who doubt the versions offered by the different space agencies, especially NASA. As we have been saying for some time, conspiracy theorists have been denouncing for years how the American space agency deceives the population, through photomontages of an arid and lifeless planet, also offering absurd and unfounded explanations with the only objective that we continue to think we are alone in the universe, or perhaps to prepare us for the great revelation in the near future.

But whatever the reason, you have to be very careful with the lies, because they have short legs. As a sequence of images that has just been published by NASA, they show a mysterious alien figure moving on the red planet.

alien movement on mars

Irrefutable evidence

On June 7, 2018, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA, revealed that there were founds of organic compounds and methane on Mars. Just a few days after this surprising news, an independent researcher in spatial anomalies claims to have discovered an irrefutable proof of life on the red planet.

To substantiate his claim, Tyler Glockner, a UFO expert who runs the YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, published a series of images taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover. When these snaps come together, they show a foreign body moving through the martian surface . Interestingly, when the image of the object is enlarged, it shows a shadow that rules out the possibility that it is a reflection of the lens or a problem in the camera (you can see the first original snapshot  here and the second one here ).

alien movement on mars

And because it seems to be irrefutable evidence that NASA hides information, Glockner’s video has become a viral phenomenon in social networks, where conspiracy theorists claim that the object in the sequences of images is a be an alien living on Mars. There is even someone who has dared to speculate that NASA has never reached Mars, so the mysterious object could correspond to a living animal on the island of Devon.

Since NASA began the exploration on the red planet, the first voices emerged assuring that everything was a montage. Time later, the US space agency began testing on the island the largest uninhabited island on Earth, located in the Arctic Circle in the far north of Canada. Scientists use this place to simulate conditions similar to those of Mars, as well as being a testing ground for their rovers. It is for this reason that many people claim that the images they show us are actually sent from the island of Devon.

But others argued that the object detected on the red planet has a face, so it could be an extraterrestrial spirit roaming the Martian surface. Leaving aside the theories that this mysterious object could be in motion, it seems that these new evidences would show that the aliens could be living under the surface of the Martian surface. And the recent statement from NASA regarding the presence of organic methane and compounds is an indication that there really are some anomalies under the surface of Mars.

Do you think this object proves once and for all the existence of extraterrestrial life on Mars? Or could it be a simple reflection of the lens or a problem in the camera? It’s up to you.

For more articles on life on mars, click here.

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